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Undeclared Major

Undeclared students customize their education with the exploratory studies program. Shape your future, your way.

Undecided? You're Not Alone.

Over 25% of first-year students at Pittsburg State don't declare a major immediately, reflecting the common challenge of choosing a career path.

Exploratory Studies Program

Pittsburg State's Exploratory Studies program aids students in finding their academic direction. By exploring five majors, completing diverse courses, and assessing strengths, students gradually tailor their academic focus. Courses taken outside the major may contribute to a minor or emphasis.

Choosing Your Path

Your college major should align with your interests and curiosity, acknowledging that personal passion drives success. Remember, college encompasses more than just your major like enjoying campus activities, studying abroad, or being a leader in a student club. 

College Major Overview

A major at Pittsburg State is an academic focus among 200+ programs, offering specialized knowledge and transferable skills like teamwork and leadership.

Pitt State student in undeclared major
Step 1: Self-Assess

Explore our fields of study. See what programs excite you! Then, pick 5 to build your upcoming semester with our academic advisors.

Two pitt state students in exploratory student program on campus
Step 2: Use our Resources
Connect with our Student Success team to get personalized assistance in building your college pathway. We also support our first-generation students!
Undecided student at Pitt State
Step 3: Take Action

Take charge of your success— Apply to Pitt State and kickstart the journey to your dream career. Or, begin career counseling to chart your best course pathway.


of admitted students enrolled as undeclared.

Top 10

program: Undeclared is a common path.


fields of study at Pitt State.


Gorilla Gateway course, designed to set up students for success.

"I appreciated the guidance and mentorship I got from the faculty. They’re helpful to students getting internships, and they care about students getting jobs lined up before they graduate.”

Renato Pinto, Pitt State Alum

Undeclared Careers

What is Career Counseling?

Get guidance in making informed career, educational, and life decisions.

It addresses common concerns such as indecision about majors, career options, or the transition from education to the workforce.

Get Career Counseling

What to Expect from Career Counseling:

  • Self-Discovery: Identify your goals, values, and aspirations for education, career, and life.
  • Guidance and Support: Discuss your thoughts, ideas, and concerns while receiving assistance in organizing and making sense of them.
  • Assessment: Evaluate factors influencing your career development, including interests, abilities, and values.
  • Resource Assistance: Access relevant career information and resources.
  • Goal Setting: Develop a plan and determine the next steps to achieve your objectives.

Examples of Concerns Addressed:

  • Uncertainty about career paths and majors
  • Difficulty choosing between multiple career options
  • Lack of knowledge about potential jobs related to a major
  • Desire for a career change based on existing skills and experiences
  • Coping with unexpected changes in academic plans or preferences
  • Considering alternative career paths or the feasibility of pursuing a passion

Career Counseling provides a supportive environment for individuals grappling with these and other concerns, offering personalized guidance to navigate the complexities of career development.

Additional information